WHOA! It's been a long time since I BLOGGED! Aaaack! It's been a fun (and busy) summer so far! I'm still plugging away with my camera and photoshop! I guess I got out of the habit of blogging - hopefully I can get back into the swing of things!
Today - I'm sharing a few Before/After photos. I'm attending a retreat in August, and will be teaching a beginning photoshop class with a basis on improving your snapshots. This is right up my alley - as I could play in photoshop FOREVER! Seriously. FOR.EVER. So I have been polishing my skills, and I definitely see some improvement. And since my quest for perfect exposure is taking longer than I thought...(*eyeroll*) I have a NEED for these PS skills, lol.
This first snap, my son looks a bit "warm" to me. I'm playing with my camera set to "Neutral" for the picture style, and then tweaked the neutral settings a bit, per a suggestion I read in a photography forum. Not sure I like how warm this came out. BUT it was a great image to play with in PS! Fixing color casts and color issues can be difficult, so it's a great skill to have, if you have an image you want to save. This image is straight out of camera (SOOC) and only sized/sharpened for web...

And HERE is my fix! My son no longer looks like an OOMPA LOOMPA! YAY! My "snapshotty" image is now a WOW, with just a few tweaks in PS!

MEOW! My daughter and her friend were at "Music in the Park" last night, and had their faces painted. Of course I had to grab the camera! I actually like this SOOC version, it's just a little dark (underexposed - GRRRR!) and could use a bit more contrast and color "pop"...again, this SOOC image is only sized/sharpened for web...

For my fix, I brightened it up a bit, added some contrast and adjusted the color balance, and then ran a color pop action. (I used
Pioneer Woman's "Boost" action from her free action set).

Let me know what you think!