Friday, April 11, 2008

"Catch and Release"...

Just a quickie post today - I have a *GIANT* to do list today (what's up with THAT?), but I wanted to share these pics my brother emailed me this week! Now I can't take credit for the photography, I live too far away for that, but I couldn't resist playing with the images in photoshop. (Still working on my PP skills, you know!)

This first one - OMGAWD! Would you not *die* to have to reel this in??? Since the season isn't open yet, these fish had to be released (after the photo op of course!) but he figures this sturgeon was in the neighborhood of 60 inches long, and weighed between 50-60 pounds. Ummm...thatsalottafish! After fighting it for 30 minutes, he said he could barely lift it for the picture, lol. For my edit, I cropped and straightened the original image, (the shorline was crooked, I'm sure due to the boat motion) and then ran an action on it to improve the color. It was a bright sunny day, so there wasn't a lot I could do for the hat shadow across the face, but I think it works in this photo, and moves the focus to the fish! What do you think?

For this one, I just had to crop out the nearby boats, and then I ran the same photoshop action (it's called "Whitney's Wonder" and is a fave of mine) to improve the color. I think I will have to have these printed out...

That's it! I hope you catch some keepers today!


Craft Tea Lady said...

WOW, what a 'fish story' he has to tell!!!

Have a great day!~G

Azrood said...

Now that's a fish! Great photos!

Tammy said...

WOWWWWWWW what great catches. I have fished many times but never caught anything like that!! And now they have proof of their fish story.

Unknown said...

Great fish pics!

Have a lovely weekend.

Robin L said...

WOW what huge fish! Pictures to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

wow what a huge fish!! great pictures!

DawnMarch said...

Just so long as you didn't make the fish bigger in PS! That sturgeon is some fish (and don't the even get much bigger than that!?) Amazing catch!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That' a lotta fish!

Carjazi - aka Diane said...

Great photos and what a fish story he has proof of. Enjoy your weekend.