I've been getting LOTS of practice with my new lens - and YES, it is possible to get a bad photo with it, lol. BUT - I am learning it, and getting used to the weight of it, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the crisp sharp images I can get with it! This photo of Mad (I stopped time with my lens!) was taken while she was SPINNING on the tire swing - she was SPINNING people - it was a great excercise for practicing exposure, focus, and keeping a moving subject in frame (with a very heavy lens on board, lol).

As of last night, these guys (in the photo below) are OUT OF TOWN at GRANDMA'S for a WHOLE WEEK! The house is SO QUIET! I vegged out and goofed off ALL DAY today and it was FAB.U.LOUS! I miss 'em though...that's how it is. When they're around, they're makin' me crazy - when they're not around, I miss 'em!

Mmmmm...don't these look YUMMAY? We have a li'l strawberry patch in our backyard, and this was today's harvest! I had to take a picture because this was a TON of berries! That's my LARGE Longaberger mixing bowl people! I *never* get this many when I send the kiddos out to pick. Hmmm...

That's IT for today! I hope y'all are having a FABULOUS Saturday!